The article considers the issues of stylization of expressiveness in artistic narration. The work gives an example of constructive solution of this problem in the poetry by K.Hujandi. This work convincingly grounds the ways and methods of the process of semantic expression of word signs and their stylization in the context of artistic narration. The article presents unique linguistic characteristics of stylization of expressiveness, range of its realization, objective and imaginable- associative methods of reflection of imaginative realias; typical contextual situations being identified in the work as well. One of the most important problems of the article is an investigation of the process of semantic changes of lexicon subjected to expressive stylization and acquisition of new imaginary-associative meanings when coveying poetized artistic narration and description, their systemic preconditioning by the needs of contextual situation being also taken into account. The methods of expressiveness which are more specific for description accompanied by different kinds of explanations and notes are given in the article in details.
stylization, expressiveness, artistic narration, range of expressiveness realization, contextual situations, regulations of expressive stylization, stylistic colouring, functional stylistics
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