Institutor and publisher – Tajik State University of Law‚ Business and Politics
The journal «Bulletin of TSU LBP. Series of Humanitarian Sciences» (ISSN 2413-2004), the old title « Bulletin of TSU LBP» (ISSN 2218-256X), being founded in 2000. Since June 2011 the journal was included into the inventory of HAC (Higher Attestation Commission) editions. Up to January 2015 the it had the following rubriques: 1. Jurisprudence; 2. Economics; 3. Philosophy and Politology; 4. Philology; 5. History and Social Sciences; 6. Methods of Teaching.
In pursuance with item 3 of Supplement #1 to order 793 of RF MSE (Ministry of Science and Education) from July 25‚ 2014‚ the Learned Council of the Tajik State University of Law‚ Business and Politics adopted the resolution concerned with the division of «Bulletin of TSU LBP» into two series:
1. «Bulletin of TSU LBP. Series of Social Sciences»;
2. «Bulletin of TSU LBP. Series of Humanitarian Sciences». According to the requirements of All Russia Classificator (ARC -17-2013) of Higher Scientific Classification Specialities (HSCS) per three branches of science from the former «Bulletin of TSU LBP» were included into «Bulletin of TSU LBP. Series of Humanitarian Sciences»: 5.6. Historical Sciences, 5.9 Philology
Periodical release – per 4 issues a year.
The edition has been registered in ISSN International Centre – ISSN number 2413-2004 (print); 2410-8308 (online).
The journal has been registered in the Ministry of Culture of Tajikistan Republic (Certificate №517 from 28.01.2000; №183/mj from 04.12.2013; №0233/ MJ from August 18, 2015; №227/97 MJ from 13.12.2021 ).
Information about the articles published is regularly submitted in accordance with the established form to the Russian Scientific Citation Index (RSCI).
«Bulletin of TSU LBP. Series of Humanitarian Sciences» also has a full text network version in the Internet on the platform of the Scientific Electronic Library of the Russian Federation.
The journal is reviewed in the foreign database «Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory» (USA)
Reprinting of the materials of the journal is admitted only provided an agreement with the editorial board is attained.
Minimal systemic requirements:
Operational system – M.S. Windows XP professional
Brauzers – Internet Explore 6.0 and higher‚ Opera‚ Firefox.
Programme provision – Acrobat Reader
Each journal number is obligatorily sent to the Tajik State National Library and also to other leading libraries‚ educational and scientific institutions of Tajikistan Republic as well.