Editor-in-chief: Shokirov Tugral Sirodjovich, Dr. of Philology, Professor, academician of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Russian Federation, Professor of the Tajik Language department under the Tajik State University of Law, Business and Politics; Abdurashitov Fozil Mamatovich, Dr. of History, Professor, correspondent member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, vice-director on science and education of the Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography named after Ahmad Donish under the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan; Azimova Matlyuba Nuritdinovna, Dr. of Philology, Professor of the department of phonetics and lexicology of the English Language under Khujand State University named after academician B. Gafurov; Bobojonova Rano, Dr. of Philology, Professor of the international journalism department under the Russian-Tajik (Slavonic) University; Ghiyasov Nurullo Ismatovich, candidate of philological sciences, Associate Professor of the department of Arabic language grammar under Khujand State University named after academician B. Gafurov; Djurazoda (Djurabayev) Djamshed Habibullo, Dr. of History, Professor, the first deputy minister of education and science of Tajikistan Republic; Dovutov Davlatkhodja (D. Dovudi), Dr. of History, chief scientific officer of the section of archeology and numismatics under the National Museum of Tajikistan; Dubovitsky Victor Vassilyevich, Dr. of History, Professor, chief of the department of the history of science and technique under the Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography named after Ahmad Donish attached to the Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan RepublicZokhidi Nizomiddin (Zohidov Nizomiddin Shamsiddinovich), Dr. of Philology, Professor, the first deputy minister of foreign affairs of Tajikistan Republic; Iskandarov Kosimsho, Dr. of History, Professor, supreme learned secretary of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan; Isomitdinov Zhorabek Bobobekovich, candidate of historical sciences, chief of the department of the history of Fatherland and archeology under Khujand State University named after academician B. Gafurov; Karimzoda (Karimov) Osim Kosimi (Kasymovich), Dr. of History, Professor-consultant of the Tajik State University of Law, Business and Politics; Katsev Alexander Samuilovich, Dr. of Philology, Professor, chief of international journalism department under Kyrgyz-Russian (Slavonic) University; Mirzoyev Niyoz Mirzobadalovich, Dr. of History, Proessor of international relations department under the Tajik National University; Mirzoyunus Matlyuba (khodjayeva Matlyuba Mirzoyunusovna), Dr. of Philology, Professor of the department of modernTajik Literature under Khujand State University named after academician B. Gafurov; Mukimov Muhamadi Aminovich (Djovid Mukim), Dr. of Philology, Professor of the international journalism department under the Tajik National University; Nagzibekova Mehriniso Bozorovna, Professor of the department of translation and intercultural communications under the Tajik National University ; Nasriddinov Fahriddin Abdumannonovich, Dr. of Philology, Professor of the department of Tajik language and literature under Khujand State University named after academician B. Gafurov.


Literary editors:

Shamuradova Olga Butayevna‚ literary editor of Russian texts 

Baltina Svetlana Petrovna‚ literary editor and translator of English texts

Juraeva Nargis Bahromovna‚ technical editor