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Perfect Tenses in Modern English and Tajik Languages


Ismatulloev Husenboy Ochilovich


The article dwells on perfect tenses of the verb in Modern English and Tajik languages. These two aspectual forms existing in the studied languages indicate to terminated actions in accordance with their meaning. The forms in question have their own opposition in compliance with the category of aspect pointing to an action either accomplished or continuing. In the system of the Tajik language there is no such grammatical category though its approximate patterns can be observed to some extent in a number of certain examples. It is underscored that in the Tajik language there is no special form for expressing continuous perfect inherent in the English language. The form in question is expressed by means of that one natural for narrative mood (sigai nakli), indicative mood and other lexical media.


verb, the category of verb, the category of aspect, perfect tense, perfect forms, tense form, the category of time relation,simultaneous actions, preceding action


1.  Aksyutina E.N. The Unique Verb System and Complex Way of Tuition.-M., 1965. - 258pp.

1.    Barkhurdarov L.S. Essays on the Morphology of Modern English,-M., 1965. - 296pp.

2.    Berezin N. The Grammar of the Persian Language.-M., 1953. - 492pp

3.    Modern Literary Tajik Language. - Dushanbe, 1985.-365pp.

4.    Ivanova I.P., Burlakova V.V., Pocheptsov G.G. The Theory of Modern English Grammar.-М., 1981.- 35pp.

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6.    Niyozmuhammedov B.Modern Tajik Literary. - Dushanbe, 1982. - 177pp. 

7.    Raykhel G.M. Grammar and History of the English Language.-М., 1973. - 258pp.

8.    Rozenfeld A.Z. Verb. Essays on Modern Tajik Grammar. Part III. Dushanbe, 1954. - 321pp.

9.    Rustamov Sh. Modern Tajik Literary Language.-Dushanbe, 1982. - 248pp.

10.              Smirnitsky A.I. The Grammar of the English Language.-М., 2002. - 256pp.

11.              Sukhareva O.A. Guidebook for Learning Tajik Language. Dushanbe, 1939.-198pp.

12.              Shtelig D.A. Grammar and Semantics of the English Language. Factors of the Human in the Language. Scholarly manual. –M., 1996. - 254pp.

13.              Bryant M.A Functional English Grammar. Boston D. C. Health and Co., 1945. – 326 pp.

14.              Ilyish В.А. The Structure of Modern English. - L., 1971. - 245pp.

15.              Khaimovich B.S. Rogovskaya B.I. A Course in English Grammar.-M., 1967. - 30pp.

16.              Poutsma H. A Grammar of Late Modern English. Part II, Groningen. - 384pp.

17.              Sweet Н. A New English Grammar, Logical and Historical. Part I. Oxford. 1982. - 321pp.

Reference Fiction Literature:

18.              Ayni S. Compositions. Dushanbe, 1964.-555pp. (in Tajik)

19.              Ikromi J. Twelve Gates of Bukhara. Dushanbe, 1969. - 952pp.

20.              Niyozi F. Vafo, Part I. Dushanbe, 1954.-320pp. 

21.              Jalil R. Shurob. Part II. Dushanbe 1967. - 304pp.

22.              Abrahams P. The Path of Thunder-М. Higher school publishing house, 1971. - 336pp.

23.              Stevenson R. L. Treasure Island. The 3d edition. M.«Foreign Languages Publishing House".1963. - 280pp.

24.              Voynich E.L. The Gadfly.-М. 1954.- 352pp.

Publication date

Tuesday, 23 April 2019