The author of the article discloses the peculiarities of the creation of the people’s poetess of Tajikistan Farzona Khujandi (Inoyat Khodjayeva) – founder of the new poetical school of the Tajik verse – through her translations of Russian poets: A.S. Pushkin (Imitations to the Koran), classics of the XX-th centrury Anna Akhmatova and Marina Tsvetayeva correlated with her original poems. Sultanova adduces literal translations of Farzona`s separate poems distinguished with proximity to Russian poets by poetical and philosophical creed. The central thematics of the poetess comprises such questions as love for mother, native land, love for Man humanism, reluctance towards indifference and cruelty of the surrounding world. It is remarked that her creation is a synthesis of classical traditions of the Oriental Persian-Tajik poetry and that of Russian one keeping to European style. The poems included into the collections “Sebarga” (“Trefoil”), “Twenty Petals” are analyzed.
Farzona, founder, new poetical school, Tajik verse, translation into Russian, spiritual constituent of poetry, collection “Three Leaves” (trefoil), “Twenty Petals