The article examines the position of the augment in the middle of the preposition in and verbal roots of the Yaghnobi language. It is indicated that the auxiliary element is not present in most Indo-European languages and performs the functions of a negative participle, nominal participle and present participle. In the Yaghnobi language, this is the only preposition that is attached to the verb and forms a negative form, expresses the non-fulfillment of an action and state, and has the forms not and neither. It is noted that the preposition na as a verb-forming element can be observed in several dialects. Examples are given that the preposition na is most often used in the eastern dialect, and the forms neither and not are used most often in the western dialect. If after the preposition na there is an augment, then it is pronounced a little longer: naáҷah (didn’t get up). The forms not and neither are used in the Western dialect, appearing at the beginning of the past tense form of the verb and narrowing the position of augmentation to the point of exclusion: nezhoy - (did not honor), nishav - (did not go).
preposition na, augment, Yaghnob language, Yaghnob dialects, form of past tense of a verb, grammar elements
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