The author of the article made an endeavor to reveal the reasons why the author of the article classifies Sotim Ulugzodа to a philological novel. The author adduces a brief description of the criteria of the philological novel. In conformity with he author`s opinion, the novel entitled as “Firdawsi” can be considered philological one according to the following criteria: Roman talks about the process of creatiivity of poetic masterpiece “Shoh-name”; the main character of the novel is a philologist, a creative person who has a direct view of the world with inner freedom, striving to comprehend the secret of creativity and inspiration. The protagonist is the poet Firdawsi internally independent of the political situation, tastes of society in the novel. The main motive of the work is the creative process. The writer leads his thoughts about creativity, as the expression of human freedom in the relevant work. Both for the author of the novel and for the protagonistcreativity is freedom. The novel was considered to be one of the innovative works in Tajik literature. The novel was widely known and, in general, a positive assessment of critics, which noted that the author created bright, original images in it. The book is devoted to the topic of creativity of psychological description of the “mechanisms” of the course of a creative act, the writer considers the issue beset with the essence of creativity. Creativity attracted the attention of thinkers of all eras. The author of the novel sets a great task - to combine the story of the hero’s life - a poet with the history of the Tajik people, but we note that the main background, after all, is not a story, but a creative process is a matter of the whole life of the creator. The relevant concept is an artist and history, an artist and power, an artist and art, which, first of all, should be considered in the relationship of Firdawsi and Sultan Mahmud, which led to real tragic consequences for the poet. A number of literary scholars and critics are increasingly turning their attention to the ideology of this work, because, as Ulughzodа himself is correctly noticed at a meeting with the employees of the institute of language and language named after Rudaki under the Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan Republic in 1983 - what are ideas of the writer, such is his style. Ulugzodа is suitable for this topic as a researcher who is considered to be every detail on the great poet`s time.
Firdawsi, literary criticism, philological novel, creative process, theme, motive, artist, critics, novel entitled as “Firdawsi” by Sotim Ulughzada
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