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Ghaffori Z. A.


The collection of stories “Panchatantra” (“five books”), the author of which is considered to be the Indian clergy-brahman Vishnu Sharman, was compiled in India in the 3rd-4th centuries AD. The book is written as a visual guide for teaching heirs to the throne and rulers the techniques of diplomacy, reasonable behavior, and wise and fair government. The Panchatantra has been translated more than two hundred times into more than 60 languages of the world, becoming widespread. “Panchatantra” also has many translations into Persian, one of them is “Panchakyan” (1612-1613). The arrangement was carried out by the Persian-language Indian writer of the 17th century, Mustafa Khaliqdod Hashimi Abbasi. The great value of “Panchakyan” is due to the fact that its translation was carried out word for word from Sanskrit into Farsi with complete preservation of the content. Along with other issues of a didactic nature, “Panchakyan” examines the topic of women, family issues and raising children. The work contains a variety of female characters, there are images of both an insidious and crafty woman, and a chaste one. The moral purity of a woman and her fidelity to her husband are glorified as a guarantee of family happiness, a prosperous and stable family life. According to Abbasi, parents should take into account the opinion of their daughters when marrying them off, and considers it necessary for girls to be decisive when choosing a life partner.


the collection of stories “Panchatantra” ancient India, Sanskrit, «Panchakyan», translation from Sanskrit into Farsi, XVIIth century, Mustafa Khaliqdad Hashimi Abbasi, woman, family


1.    Mahjub, Muhammadjafar. About "Kalila and Dimna". History, translations and two untranslated chapters from "Kalila and Dimna". – Tehran, 1336. – 336 pp.

2.    Panchakyana / Translation by Mustafa Khaliqdad Hashimi Abbasi. Thanks to the efforts of Dr. Tara Chand and Sayyid Amirhasani Obidi. – Aligarh: Islamic University of Aligarh, 1973. – 356 pp.

3.    Shekhar, Indu. Panchatantra. Introduction. – Panchatantra: Translation from Sanskrit to Persian. – Tehran: Publications of the University of Tehran: Publishing and Printing Institution, 1961, 234 p. – PP. 1-25.

4.    Chand, Tara and Obidi, Sayyid Amirhasan. Introduction. – Panchakyana / Translation by Mustafa Khaliqdad Abbasi. Contribution by Dr. Tara Chand and Sayyid Amirhasan Obidi. – Aligarh: Islamic University of Aligarh, 1973. – PP. nine-forty six.

5.    Shekhar, Indu. Foreword. – Panchatantra / Translated from Sanskrit to Persian by Indu Shekhar. – Tehran: University of Tehran: Publishing and printing institution, 1961, 234 p. – PP. alif-dol.


Publication date

Thursday, 16 November 2023