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Ashrapov B.P.


The article dwells on the issues beset with the comparative analysis of word-building potential of Tajik adverbial prefixes ba-, bo-and their English equivalents. It is noted that adverb is recognized as an independent part of speech in the comparative languages. However, its classification as a special category in these languages is uncertain, their lexical boundaries are wide, and their functional types are diverse. Adducing the results of the analysis of the theme explored one can come to the conclusion thatword-building potential of the prefixes in question forming Tajik adverbs is of many similarities and differences in certain cases. In the course of the research, it became clear that the prefix bo- (67%) is more frequently used than and ba-(33%). It is worth mentioning that English equivalents of Tajik derivative adverbs formed by these prefixes are not identical and the same-formed ones, and some of them are used and translated as simple, derivative and composite ones.


adverb, prefix, derivative adverbs, comparative analysis, morphological peculiarities, English equivalents, word-building potential


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Publication date

Wednesday, 17 January 2024