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Zoirov H.Z.


Shah-Name”of Firdavsi Tusi is one of unique Persian-Tajik literary works and sources giving information about pre-Islamic Persian letters and epistolary traditions. Shah-Name” contains a considerable number of pre-Islamic Persian letters, and the author believes that Abulkosim Firdawsi used ancient first-hand sources andpresentthe original content of letters in poetry format. By their quantity, the number of historical letters of Shah-Name” is more than epistolary of mythology and epic epochs, and a bigger part of oral letters relates to the mythology and epic periods. Citing several oraland written letters, the articlecomes to the conclusion that the research of letters of Shah-Name”, especiallyhistorical period letters, are of unique importance for recognition of art and traditions of Persian-Tajik epistolary.


Abulkosim Firdavsi, Shah-Name”, Persian epistolary, pre-Islamic period, oral messages, types of letters, mythological, heroicand historical letters, main parts of letters


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17.Sharifzoda Khudoi. Shahname and Poems of Firdavsi’s Time. –Dushanbe: LLCAndaleb R”, 2014. – 400 pp.

Publication date

Saturday, 30 September 2023