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Bobojanova Dilbarjoh Abdumuminova


For the first time in Tajik linguistics there is analyzed the vocabulary denoting the names of fruit trees used in Nisami Gyandjevy’s “Khamse”; the place of the letters in the plot of the poems is shown. The names of plants in Nizami’s poems are united into five groups: 1) trees; 2) flowers; 3) grasses; 4) cereal; 5) melon-plantation crops. It is underscored that the majority of plants are named with Tajik words, borrowed lexis occures rarely. The analysis of the vocabulary in question testifies that in “Khamse” the lexis denoting fruit-trees growing in Khorasan and Maverannahr is used more in comparison with another one, up to nowadays these words are widely used in Persian-Tajik language, Tajikistan inclusive. The fact proves additionally that Nizami Gyandzhevi was a representative of the mentioned region and Persian-Tajik is the poet’s mother-tongue.


Key-words: Nisami Gyandjevy’s “Khamse” basic stock of language, plants, names of fruit trees, primordial words, borrowings


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Publication date

Friday, 31 March 2023