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Negmatova Diloshub Sadullojonovna


The article dwells on evolution of modality category  functioning in English and Tajik languages bearing in mind  its special position and status as one of central linguistic categories of  universal character. Especial value is presented by diachronic and synchronic analyses in reference to the media of  expressions of modality, modal words and modal verbs conveying different modal meanings includind potentialities and necessities being of essential importance in the real communicative space. The category of modality is considered as a contextual characteristic utterance able to be conveyed through different linguistic means specifying the speaker’s attitude towards the content of utterance and that one of the content in question to reality. Especial role in this process is played by lexical and grammatical units, in particular, form and mood, modal words, modal verbs and etc.


Key words: modality, English language, Tajik language,  modal words, modal verbs, objective modality, subjective modality, speaker, content of utterance, reality




Reference Literature:


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Publication date

Monday, 12 September 2022