The author of the article analyzes the role of the word-building prefix ҳам-in one of the most valuable literary productions of the Samanids Period – «Translation of «Tafsiri Tabari». Proceeding from the rich factual materials, he shows that this prefix, alongside with word-building potential in the formation of spread derivatives, and also in unision with lexical elements, forms unique lexical units a part of which is inherent in the language of the epoch in question. The principle objective of the analysis is a reflection of the contribution of the translated works into a replenishment of lexical stock of the language; the word-building prefix ҳам- serving as an example of word-building demonstrates its long non-simple way of striking root in the Tajik language. In «Translation of «Tafsiri Tabari» prefix ҳам- joined to nouns and verbs forms euphonious lexical elements.
Key-words: prefix ham-, word-building elements, lexical elements, translation of «Tafsiri Tabari», basic stock of language words, level of prefix usage, Tajik language
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