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Nabijanova Zebo Abdugafarovna


The article dwells on  the features of the semantic analysis of simple verbs in the “Tajik-English Dictionary” by P. Jamshedov. Simple verbs amounting to the number of 90 have been analyzed from the point of view of meaning (monosemantic, double semantic, polysemantic…).The techniques and features of the interpretation of simple, monosemantic and polysemantic verbs are analyzed. Particular attention is given to the peculiarities of the interpretation of simple verbs that occur in two forms in the “Tajik-English Dictionary” and identify the ways of formation of simple verbs. It is noted that the variety of verbs is the result of separate phonetic phenomena, as conversion and reduction.From the analysis and comparison, it is concluded that most simple verbs in one particular form have several meanings, very few of them are used in two forms and sometimes in one or several meanings.  


Key-words: simple verbs, semantic row,  modes of translation “Tajik-English Dictionary” by Djamshedov, word, monosemy of verbs, policemy of verbs, morphological form of word



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Publication date

Monday, 12 September 2022