The article is devoted to the issue of notional-causative verbs and their semantic analysis in English and Tajik. It is noted that notional-causative verbs are thoroughly studied in English linguistics, but in Tajik linguistics there is a need for special research. The notional- causative verb denotes an action, the execution of which is caused by the subject, and in the sentence it independently expresses a concept.The results of the research show that in both comparative languages, notional-causative verbs present special intransitive verbs. In English notional-causative verbs are formed by analytical forms, and in Tajik they are formed by affixation, i.e. when the suffix -on is added to compound words or one component verbs.These verbs can be used in imperative, interrogative, affirmative sentences and in active and passive voices. In the above-mentioned sentences the following persons may be caused to perform an action: 1. The subject forces the object to perform the action, 2. The subject forces another person that the action should be performed by an object, 3. Thesubjectforcesitselftoperformtheaction.
Key-words: causative verb, notional - causative verb, causative meaning, non -causative verb, subject-initiator, object- doer, changing condition, change
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