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Abdukarimova Feruza Shuhratovna


The article dwells on general issues of repetition in the languages of different grammatical structure; materials based on Russian and English and also on separate languages of the Turkic family, Uzbek, in particular, being used. It is noted that repetition is one of the most important sources of perfection in reference to lexical stock of language; the former creates broad potentialities for a writer or that one who speak a certain language, as they can express their thoughts and emotions which make the latter more colorful. On a par with gradation, parallelism, antithesis, chiasmus repetition serves as a means of intensification of expressiveness not only of artistic imagery speech but of common conversational one either. The author emphasizes the importance of correlative analysis of languages not only for imbibition of a foreign language, but also for a more deep understanding of the peculiarities of one’s mother-tongue either. It is underscored that by dint of repetition the idea is concretized and the meaning of a word intensifies. In the majority of world languages repetition acts as an index of grammatical categories of the plural number of nouns, superlative degree of adjectives and etc.


Key words: repetition, lexical stock of language, the Uzbek language, correlative studies of languages, varieties of repetition, gradation, expressiveness of speech


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Publication date

Monday, 12 September 2022