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Peculiarity of Formation in Reference to the Emphasis of Linguistic Elements in the Context of the Poetry Referring to Russian and Tajik Linguocultures


Samadova Rano Akhunbabaevna


For the first time complex and multi-levelled problems of WC structurerization have been examined in the plane of numerous aspects; key theoretical issues of correlation between their units under linguospecific constructing of different formation being included into the thematics considered as well. The article is addressed to a wide circle of persons being interested in the problems of lexical combinatorics of the units referring to WC semantics which is a fundamental problem of correlative grammar of Language, and Language 2. Essentially, the author of the article determines main streamlines and principal processes preconditioning description and assessment of each notion from linguistic positions, linguospecific data, their potential shades of meaning; the fact being connected with the very nature of WC linguoculture, the gyst of WC. Just this very comprehension of linguistic phenomena explicates complexity, stability and simulta­neous changeability of the units of all levels and a lexical one firstly. From our point of view, the present trend of the research deserves special study and presents itself as an essential one for examination of the specificity of regularities in regard to WC general linguistics theory and imbibition of the canons of formation of units in their concrete objectifying in correlative linguoculture.


correlative linguoculture, problems of word-combinations (WC) structuralization, lexical combinations of units, nature of SD lingoculture, general linguistic theory of WC, specificity of regularities concerned with SD theory


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Publication date

Monday, 20 April 2020