In his article the author discloses Iranian writers` contribution into the Arabic literature development. Proceeding from Iranian pre-Islamic literary productions and works belonging to the pen of medieval scholars the author of the article determines that after the conquest of Iran by Arabs numerous pre-Islamic literary productions penetrated into the literature written in Arabic. The continuation of the traditions of the Iranian pre-Islamic epistolary genre in Arabic-speaking Persian-Tajik dabirs` creations is revealed in the article. The author lays an emphasis upon the idea that although the messages of Iranian origin of dabirs were composed in the Arabian environment, they were written in accordance with the traditions of the pre-Islamic Iranian (Pahlavi) epistolary genre, on the whole. It is asserted that the Arabic-speaking dabirs - Iranians by their background- made a significant contribution into the development and establishment of the Arabic epistolary genre and Persian-Tajik literature written in Arabic as well.
divan, dabir and traditions of dabirship, Abdulhamid Katib, epistolary genre, Sassanids, the first centuries of Islam, the influence of Persian literature on Arabic one
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