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Shokirov T.S.


Lexicography as the most ancient branch of linguistics deals with the practice and theory of compiling dictionaries. Dictionaries fix the lexical system of the language and cover every word as a special and unique microcosm of the language. Understanding, knowledge, skill and competent use of dictionaries are the most important attributes of general and linguistic culture of each person. Therefore, they play a huge role in linguocultural life of any society. In modern lexicography more than 50 varieties of dictionaries are known among which there are predecessors of translation dictionaries – conversational booklets which occupy a special place. The latters were preceded by thesauri and alphabet books which had similar functional features. Since the XIX-th century these booklets gained wider application and began to be used for educational purposes and as guiding-books. With the acquisition of state sovereignty by the Republic of Tajikistan and the development of tourism, conversational booklets became one of the mostly demanded publications; the fact promoting the development of this lexicographical genre.


dictionary, phrasebook, linguistics, lexical system, interpretation, translation, dictionary unit, function, grammatical outline


1.        Bayevsky S. I. Early Persian Lexicography. The XI-th – the XV-th Centuries / S. Bayevsky. - M.: Science, 1989. – 169 pp.

2.        Berkov V.P. Bilingual Lexicography / V.P. Berkov. - M.: Assoc. Ltd. “Astrel” Publishing-House, 2004. - 236 pp.

3.        Vohidov A. From the History of the Tajik-Persian Lexicography / A. Vohidov .- Samarkand, 1980. - 167 pp.

4.        Gaforov M.A. Persian-Russian Dictionary.-Saint-Petersburg, 1913, V.1. - 432 pp.

5.        Casares X. Introduction to Modern Lexicography [Text] / X. Casares; translated from Spanish by N.D. Arutyunova, recension and notes: G.V. Stepanov. - M.: Publishing-House of Foreign Literature, 1958. - 364 pp.

6.        Levchenko G. A. Conversational Glossary in Russia: Typological and Sociolinguistic Aspects. Synopsis of candidate dissertation in philology. - M., 2007. - 26 pp.

7.        Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary.-M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1990. – 683 pp.

8.        Mamadnazarov A. Formation and Development of Tajik Translational Lexicography of the XX-th and the Early XXI-th Centuries. / A. Mamadnazarov. - Dushanbe: Er-Graph, 2016. - 415 pp.

9.        Majidov H. Modern Tajik Language. – V. 1. Lexicography - Dushanbe, 2010. - 244 pp.

10.    Nalivkin V.P. Handbook for Practical Study of the Persian Language. - Kazan, 1990.

11.    Ozhegov S. I. Dictionary of the Russian Language. - M.: Russian Language, 1982. – 954 pp.

12.           Problems of Lexicography. - SPb.: Publishing-House of St. Petersburg University, 1997. - 203 pp.

13.    Rompur Muhammad Fiyosuddin. Fiyos-ul-luғot. (preparation by A.Nurov). - V. 1. - Dushanbe: Man-of-Letters, 1987. - 460 pp.; - V.2. -Dushanbe: Man-of-Letters, 1988. - 416 pp.

14.    Russian-Tajik Dictionary. -M.: Russian Language, 1985. - 1280 pp.

15.    Starchevsky A. V. Translator from Russian into Persian. - St. Petersburg: A. Tranchel, 1886. - 171 pp.

16.    Dictionary of the Tajik Language. – M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1969, -V. 1. – 951 pp.; - V.2. – 952 pp.

17.    Explanatory Dictionary of the Tajik Language. - Dushanbe: Somonai Firdawsi, -V.1., - 2008, - 949 pp.

18.    Khotamtoev Sh. Concise Russian-Tajik Dictionary. - Kogon, 1889.

19.    Koshimov S. Lexicography / S. Koshimov. - Dushanbe: Education and Culture, 2004. – 79 pp.

20.    Shokirov T.S. Lexicographic Features of one Forgotten Dictionary/T.S. Shokirov // The most Important Problems of Persian-Tajik Language. Materials of the international conference dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the sovereign Republic of Tajikistan. - Dushanbe, September 29, 2016. - Dushanbe: Knowledge, 2016. - 380 pp.

21.    Shokirov T.S., Kenjaeva M. Phraseological Units in Oriental Dictionaries/ T.S. Shokirov, M. Kenjaeva // Fundamental Research. Philological Sciences 2015, No. 2 (14). - pp. 3196 - 3200.

22. Shcherba L. V. Experience of the General Theory of Lexicography / L.V. Shcherba // Language System and Speech Activity. The 2-nd edition, stereotypa. - M.: Editorial URSS, 2004. - 266 pp.

Publication date

Thursday, 25 February 2021