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The Role of the Complex Somatic in Farrukhi Sistoni`s Poetry


Abdulloeva Gulnoza


The article under consideration dwells on the place of somatic complex words in Farrukhi Sistoni`s creation (referring to the XI-th century). The author of the article lays an emphasis upon the idea that although several monographic works have been devoted to Farrukhi`s life and creation, in particular, the study done by Iranian scholar Gulomkhusayn Yusufi and the Tajik man-of-letters Mirzo Mulloahmedov based on linguistic peculiarities of his poetry did not become the object of special study, with the exception of fragmented and fragmentary remarks. Proceeding from the abundant factual material, the author comes to the conclusion that with rare exceptions, the original Tajik words are considered to be as components of complex somatic ones, upon the whole. Particular emphasis is laid upon the idea that the Sistan poet`s mastership in reference to creation of elegant poetic images gives preference to complex somatic words. Designing on the premise of the information of mediaeval interpretation dictionaries, including “Burkhoni Kote`” by Muhammad Husayn Tabrezi, and modern ones, such as: “Persian Dictionary” by Muin and “Lughat-Name” by Dehkhudo, Tajik roots of the word “dim” in the meaning “face” are proved, it is a front part, “face” and the error of the compilers of the “Dictionary of the Tajik Language” have been registered.


complex somatic words, Farrukhi Sistoni`s creations, somatics, language word stock, “Burkhoni Kote`” dictionary (XVII), “Persian Dictionary” by Muin


1.         Nasriddin, Abdulmannon. From Rudaki to Attor. - Khujand: Publisher, 2017. -396 pp.

2.         . Boboljonova, Dilbar. Lexical and Structural Aspects of Multi-Semantic Somatic Words (on the basis of "Shoh-Name by "Firdawsi). / D. Boboljonova. - Khujand: Khuroson, 2011. - 168 pp.

3.         Ghanizoda, Savriniso. Onomasiological Structure of Complex Words of the Tajik Language /S. Ghanizoda. – Khujand: Light of Enlightenment, 2016. - 188 pp.

4.         In the Light of the Sun (Selected poetry belonging to the pen of the poets who lived in the first half of the XI-th century). - Dushanbe: Man-of-Letters, 2011. - 480 p.

5.         Dehkhudo, Aliakbar. Dehkhudo`s Intermediate Dictionary. In 2 volumes. (under the editorship of Dr. Saidjafar Shahidi) / Aliakbar Dehkhudo. - Tehran: Tehran University Publishing-House, 1385. -VV. 1-2. - 3224 pp.

6.         Kozmoyan Armanush. Rubai in Farrukhi`s Creations // “Bulletin of Social Sciences under the AS of the Armenian SSR”, 1973, №11, - pp. 87-92.

7.         Kosimova, Mukarrama. The History of the Tajik Literary Language (referring to the IX-th – the X-th centuries). Part 1. / M. Kosimova. - Dushanbe, 2003. - 490 pp.

8.         Muin, Muhammad. Persian Dictionary. In six volumes. / М. Muin. - Tehran: Great Amir, 1375.

9.         Mulloahmadov, Mirzo. Farrukhi Sistoni. / М. Mulloakhmadov. - Dushanbe: Knowledge, 1978. - 143 pp.

10.       Mukhtori, Qutbiddin. Lexical and Stylistic Peculiarities of Rudaki's Poetry / Qutbiddin Mukhtori. - Dushanbe: Devashtich, 2006. -130 pp.

11.       Dabirsiyaki, Muhammad. Hakim Farrukhi Sistani`s Collection of Compositions. - Tehran: 1335.

12.       Burhan, Muhammad Husayn. “Burhoni Kote`”  in five volumes. - Tehran, 1357.

13.       The Dictionary of the Tajik Language (from the X-th to the beginning of the XX-th centuries). In two volumes (under the general editorship of M. Sh. Shukurov, V.A. Kapranov, R. Hashim, N.A. Masumi) - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1969. - V. 1. - 951 pp.; - V. 2. -949 pp.

Publication date

Tuesday, 21 April 2020