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Grammatical peculiarities of adjectival prefixes and their usage in the tajik literary language referring to the XVIII-th and the XX-th centuries


Ashrapov B.P.


The article dwells on the usage and grammatical peculiarities of adjectival prefixes and degree of application of the latters which formed adjectives referring to the XVIII-th and the XX-th centuries. Such works are taken comparison as "Tuhfat-ul-khoni" by Muhammadwafo Karminagi, productions by S.Aini appertaining to the XX-th century: “The History of Intellectual Revolution in Bukhara”, “The Hero of the Tajik Nation Timurmalik”, “The Revolt Headed by Mukanna”, “Slaves”. It is established that respective of the frequency of usage some word-combinational elements of the correlative literary productions are considered to be productive prefixes and some of them non-productive ones.The prefix ba- in the correlative literary productions is non-productive, while in the modern literary Tajik language it is considered to be one of the most productive ones. In S.Aini`s literary productions the word-forming element ba- acts as a non-productive prefix, while the relevant prefix is actively used in the formation of adjectives both in the modern literary Tajik language and in the literary language of the XVIII-th century.It is underscored that the prefixes be- and no- demonstrate multifunctionality and productivity, as they form an adjective from nominal parts of speech in the correlative literary productions. As a rule, the prefixes bar- and dar- from the point of view of usage refer to the group of non-productive prefixes in the language of the periods under consideration.


modern literary Tajik language, prefix, "Tuhfat-ul-khoni" by Muhammadwafo Karminagi, adjectival prefixes, comparative analysis, degree of application, grammatical peculiarities


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Publication date

Wednesday, 24 February 2021