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The Fate of some Forgotten Primordial Tajik Words in the English Language


Khikmatulloyeva Naimahon Anvarkhodjayevna


The article dwells on the analysis of Persian-Tajik words forgotten in the language of the original, but preserved in the English language.       Designing on the premise of the factological materials of the two cognate languages – Tajik and English, the author of the article determines that lexical units which existed in the common Iranian language disappeared from the Tajik language throughout farther periods of evolution, but preserved in the English language as borrowed elements. Retainment of the primordial Iranian elements in the English language is preconditioned by different reasons. The inference is made that the majority of Tajik borrowings existing in the English language penetrated into its basic stock of words through one or two languages-mediators.


borrowed words, etymological doublets, etymology, languages-mediators, parallels, phonetical sounding of word, Old Persian, Middle Persian


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Publication date

Wednesday, 24 April 2019