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The Role of Metaphor and Formation of Sense of Words in the Novel "Three Days of One Spring" by Sattor Tursun


Shokirov T.S., Temirova, Sh.M.


The author has analyzed the ways of use of metaphors for expressing unusual, figurative and primordial sense in Sattor Tursun's novel. The writer's creative potential in usage of metaphor is underscored especially. It is stressed that metaphor performs two main functions: as means of imaginative depiction (in narrow sense of the word) and as an important mode of sense transference (in a wide sense of the word).

The author comes to the conclusion that usage of several metaphorical word-combinations in one sentence in the model of zoomorphic metaphor imparts especial colouring to the language of the work. Utilization of different types of metaphor in word-combinations and sentences promotes an evincement of polysemanticity of words. The phenomenon of enlargement of the circle of scantily used lexical elements is observed in the novel.


the novel "Three Days of one Spring" by Sattor Tursun, literary production language, colloquial language, primordial and figurative meaning, polysemanticity, metaphor, transference of word meaning


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Publication date

Thursday, 14 November 2019