Journal number - 3

"Badoye-ul-Afkor” by Koshifi and the Development of the Theory and Literature in the XV-th Century

Yusufov Umriddin

Philological sciences

On the Contribution of Women-Poetesses into a Formation of Khujand Literary Centre in the XIX-th- the Beginning of the XX-th Centuries

Khamidova Shamsiya Mirzorustamovna

Philological sciences

On the Textology of One Mukhammas by Sadriddin Aini Written to Bedil`s Gazel

Nurov Nurali

Philological sciences

The Features of Sayido Nasafi’s Shakhroshubs

Mirzoyunus Matluba (Khojayeva Matluba Yunusovna)

Philological sciences

Geographical Location of the Ghurids’ State In the XI-th – the XII-th Centuries (according to the materials of mediaeval historical sources)

Sharipiov Mukhammad Marufovich

Historical sciences and archeology

Compositional Peculiarities of “Kyrgyz Radius” Broadcastings in the 80-ies of the XX-th Century

Sultanova Zhypar Omorovna

Philological sciences

Sattor Tursun’s Mastership in Creation of Portrait and Landscape

Radjabova Sarvara Kahhorovna

Philological sciences

Some Notes Concerned with Textological Researches of Edifying -Didactic Literature Referring to the XIV-th Century

Nigmatov Numonjon Islomovich

Philological sciences

On Peculiarities of Word-Building in Loik Sherali’s “Modarnoma” (on the Basis of Complex Words)

Olimjonov, Muso Obidovich

Philological sciences

Basic Stages of Transformation of Toponyms Spread in Ferghana and Sughd

Ayubov Abdusalom Raufovich

Historical sciences and archeology

New Phenomena in Modern Tajik Textology

Ghiyosov Nurullo Ismatovich

Philological sciences

“Adab and Insho” Treatise By Mubashshir Tirozi

Nasriddinov Fahriddin Abdumannonovich

Philological sciences
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