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Compositional Peculiarities of “Kyrgyz Radius” Broadcastings in the 80-ies of the XX-th Century


Sultanova Zhypar Omorovna


The article considers the structural features of the radio broadcasts of the first Kyrgyz-language radio station “the Kyrgyz Radio” in the 1980-les. Studying compositional originality, genres of radio programs one can determine the level of their structural development. Programs of the perestroika period are based not only on visual demonstration of one or another creative material, but also on the desire to prove the theses stated in the program and to come to a generalization of the topic. And here the role of the author conducting as an assistant in the question of revealing the logical chain of interrelationships between various events, phenomena and people, is growing multiple times. And in this case, the broadcast becomes a catalyst for the fact that a person does not just listen to, but going further, he or she will think about how the life of the heroes developed outside the narrative.


radiojournalism, radio in Kyrgyzstan, compositional peculiarities, radiogenres, interviews and discourses, radiocompositions and radioplays; the 1980-ies


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4.  Kyrgyz Radiosu. – 1986. - #5582.

5.  Kyrgyz Radiosu. – 1987. – # 847.

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Publication date

Tuesday, 20 November 2018