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The Influence of Hofiz`s Creative Style on the Structure and Content of Said Djafar`s Poetry


Okhoniyozov Abdurakhmon Dustovich


The article is one of the first endeavours of analyzing a succession of the creations of Badakhshon area poets with Hafiz`s legacy; the poetry of Said Djafar who lived in the XIX-th century being taken as an example. Said Djafar appertains to the number of Badakhshon poets who composed the collections of their own poems called divans, they resorted mainly to the genre with gazel. First, the author expounds why the population of Kuhistoni Badakhshon are enamored of Hafiz`s creation, then he analyzes how Hafiz affected the structure and content of Djafar`s gazels. The poetical structure embracing rhymes, rhythms, redifs, musical sonority inherent in Hafiz`s poetry had a great sway over Said Djafar demonstrating creative succession. Such an approach towards the exploration of Said Djafar`s poetical productions promotes a determination of a creative style of separate poets who belonged to the literary circles of Badakhshon, thus a rich material is presented for the history and theory of Tajik literature. Two principal methods of literary criticism are used, those of correlative and poetical analysis. The objective of the research is targeted at a profound study of the peculiarities concerned with an influence of famous poets` styles over the creation of the poets appertaining to the Badakhshon literary circle.


Said Djafar, Badakhshon area, creative style, influence of Hafiz`s poetry, gazel genre, poetical structure, methods of literary criticism 


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Publication date

Thursday, 06 April 2017