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Interpretation of the Toponym «Istaravshan» in Mediaeval Sources and Home Scientists` Works


Makhkamov Saidkul Suyarkulovich


The article dwells on significance, origin, structure, development and time changes of the toponyms of the contemporary town located in Northern Tajikistan, that of Istaravshan. It is underscored that during two and half millennia of its history the town changed its name thrice. In antique times and Middle Ages the town was known under the names of Kiropol (variants: Kireskhata, Kurushada), Istaravshan (phonetic variants: Surushan, Surushana, Saydushana, Ustru­shanik, Ustrushan, Ustrushana), and since the XVI-th century it was called as Uro-Teppa. An endeavor is undertaken to specify the etimology of the names mentioned, it is designed on the premise of authentic and authoritative antique and mediaeval originals: the sacred book of Zoroastrians called «Avesta», «Ashkol-ul-Olam» by Djeykhani (Xc.) «Masolik va Mamolik» by Istakhri (Xc.), «Futuh-ul-Buldon» by Banozuri (IXc.), memoir literature of Chinese travellers (III – X cc.). exploration of home and foreign travellers; famous Russian Orientalist V.A. Livshitz, Tajik historians – academicians A.Mukhtarov, S.Abdulloyev, Yu.Yakubov being included into this number.


historic geography, toponymy, Istaravshan, Uro-Teppa, Kiropol, mediaeval historic sources


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5.    Abu-Ishaq, ibn Muhammad al-Istakhri. Masalik al-Mamolik: translated from Persian by Z.N. Vorozhensky/A.Istakhri//Materials on the History of the Kyrgyzes and Kirgizia. – M.: Science, 1973. – 283 pp.

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7.    Avasto. Song of Love / The Voice of the Orient, - 1985. - #3. – pp. 94 – 105.

8.    Ahmad ibn Hayo ibn Jabir al-Balozuri. Conquest of Settlements / Translation from Arabic, preface, commentaries and notes by G. Ghoibova. - Dushanbe: Knowledge, 1987. – 111 pp.

9.    Ayubov A.R. Toponyms of Ustrushana as the Sources of the History of Culture. - Khujnad: Light of Enlightenment, 2013. – 192 pp.

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11.              Bobojonov Gh., Abdulozade R, etc. Uroteppa or Istaravshan//Soviet Tajikistan. – 1989. April 7: Sayfiddinov A., Fayzulloev S. Uroteppa or Istaravshan//Soviet Tajikistan. – 1989. – May 17; Shukuri Ibrohim. Uroteppa or Istaravshan//Soviet Tajikistan. – 1989. – August 19.

12.              Gafurov B. Tajiks The Ancientest, Ancient and Mediaeval Culture / B.G.Gafurov. – M.: Cognition, 1983. – 700 pp.

13.              See in details: Mukhtorov, A. Kurushkada, Istaravshan, Uroteppa/A.Mukhtorov. - Dushanbe: Amri Ilm, 2000. – 100 pp.; Mukhtorov A. Guzars of Ura-Tube. – Tashkent: Chulpon, 1995. – 143 pp.; Yaqubov Yu. Characteristics of the Names of the Cities of Istaravshan// Culture. - #7-8. 2002. – pp. 43 – 47.; Gafurov B. Tajiks The Ancientest, Ancient and Mediaeval Culture / B.G.Gafurov. – M.: Cognition, 1983. – 700 pp.; Dovudi D. Great Kir and Problems Concerned with the Grounds of Kiropoliya-Town// The Role of Istaravshan in the History of Civilization of the Peoples of Central Asia. – Dushanbe, 2002. – pp. 113 – 114; Dovudi D. Coins of Istaravshan/Culture. - ## 7-8. – pp. 45; Muhtaram Hotam. A Supposition Concerned with Istaravshan and Kurkata Meanings/Culture. – 2002. - ## 7-8. – pp. 48 – 53.; Yaqubov Yu. What Does «Uroteppa» Mean?// Soviet Tajikistan. – 1990. January 12.

14.              Ibn, Khurdadbekh. The Book of Ways and Countries/A. Khudadbekh. // Translation from Arabic, commentaries, exploration, indicators and maps by N.Velikhanov. - Baku: Science, 1986. – 428 pp.

15.              Mukhtorov, A. Amirs and Samanids Vazers/A.Mukhtorov. - Dushanbe: Oli Somon, 1997. – 76 pp.

16.              Mukhtorov, A. Kurushkada, Istaravshan, Uroteppa/A.Mukhtorov. - Dushanbe: Amri Ilm, 2000. – 100 pp.; Negmatov N.N. Ustrushan in Ancient Times and Early Middle Ages. Editor-in-charge: B.A. Litvinsky. - Stalinabad: Academy of Sciences of the Tajik ASSR publishing-house, 1957. – 160 pp.; Ne`matov N. Mysteries of Istaravshan. - Dushanbe: Cognition, 1972. – 51 pp.

17.              Mirbabaev, A.K. Dakhmak of Kurkat: Handwriting and Exploration/A. Mirbabaev: Material Culture of Ustrushan. – Issue 6//Ancient Ustrushan: Towns, their Localization and Chronology. - Dushanbe: Omu, 2003. – pp. 267 – 562.

18.              Muhtaram Hotam. A Supposition Concerned with Istaravshan and Kurkata Meanings/Culture. – 2002. - ## 7-8. – pp. 48 – 53.

19.              Nazirjohn Tursuni Khujandi. Istaravshab/Tursuni N// Brief Historic-Ethnographic Interpretation. - Dushanbe: Cognition, 1992. – 208 pp.

20.              Negmatov N.N. Ustrushan in Ancient Times and Early Middle Ages. Editor-in-charge: B.A. Litvinsky. - Stalinabad: Academy of Sciences of the Tajik ASSR publishing-house, 1957. – 160 pp.

21.              Negmatov N.N. Ancient and Early Middle Ages of Ustrushan// Archeologists Retell. – Stalinabad, 1959. – pp. 114 – 134; Varonina V.L., Ne`matov N.N. Discovery of Ustrushan // Science and Humanity/International Annual. – Moscow, 1974. – pp. 51 – 71; Negmatov N. Ustrushan/ Central Asia and the Far East in the Epoch of Middle Ages. - Moscow: Science, 1999. – pp. 114 – 130.

22.              Ne`matov N. Mysteries of Istaravshan. - Dushanbe: Cognition, 1972. – 51 pp.; Negmatov N.N. Samanids` State (Maverannahr and Khuroson Referring to the IX-th – the X-th Centuries)/ Editor-in-charge B.I. Iskandarov: Academy of Sciences of the Tajik ASSR under the Institute of History named after A.Donish. - Dushanbe: Knowledge, 1977. – 279 pp.; Negmatov N.N. Samanids` State (Tajiks Referring to the IX-th – the X-th Centuries). - Dushanbe: Cognition, 1989. – 304 pp.

23.              Rahimov N. Urbanization of the Middle Part of the Syr-Darya Reservoir/ The I-st Century B.C. – the Middle of the II-nd Century A.D./Synopsis of doctoral dissertation in history: 07.00.06. - Khujand: Light of Enlightenment, 2007. – 39 pp.; Rahimov N.T. Archeological Stratigraphics of Ura-Tube/Material Cultural of Ustrushan. – Issue 6// Ancient Ustrushan: Town, their Localization and Chronology/ Material Cultural of Ustrushan. – Issues 5-8. Under general editorship of N.Negmatov. - Dushanbe: Omu, 2003. – pp. 137 – 266.

24.              Sughdian Documents from Mugh Mountain. Reading, translation, commentaries. – Issue II (Juridical Acts and Letters). Reading, translation, commentaries by V.A. Livshtsky. - Moscow: Publishing house of Oriental Literature, 1962. – 222 pp.

25.              Husyeni Narzullo, Jonibeki Rasuli. Istaravshan in the Route of Independence. - Dushanbe: Bukhara, 2011. – 258 pp.

26.              Hudud-ul-Olam. Preparation of the text and introduction by Abdujamol Hasanov. - Dushanbe: Bukhara, 2014. – 588 pp.

27.              Song of Love/A Fragment from «Avesto»/ The Voice of the Orient, - 1985. - # 1. – pp. 106 – 111.

28.              Song of Love/ A Fragment from «Avesto»/ The Voice of the Orient, - 1985. - # 2. – pp. 95 – 105.

29.              Yaqubov Yu. On the Historic Toponymy of the Cities of Ustrushan// The Role of Istaravshan in the History of Civilization of the Peoples of Central Asia. – pp. 94 – 97.


30.              Yaqubov Yu. Characteristics of the Names of the Cities of Istaravshan// Culture. - #7-8. 2002. – pp. 43 – 47. 

Publication date

Friday, 31 March 2017