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On the Issue of Edition of the Works on the History of Persian-Tajik of Iran Language


Ismoilov Olimkhoja Burhonkhojaevich


The scientific productions connected with the exploration of the history of the Persian-Tajik language in Iran are considered in the article. Touching upon a number of available sources, including «The History of Persian Language» by ParvizNotiliKhonlari, «Guiding in Regard to Ancient Languages in Iran» by MuhsinAbdulqosimi, dissertation of HasanRizoiBohgbedi entitled «History of the Iranian Language» and the research belonging to Dr. TakiArroni under the title of «Evolution and Alteration of the Persian Language», the author substantiates scientific values of the works of the above-mentioned authors. He analyzes in details the compositions of the outstanding scholars as most of the formers are available only for a narrow range of specialists in Tajikistan. Into the bargain, the author makes an endeavor to assess the stages of the history of the Persian-Tajik language development from the viewpoint of contemporary linguistics. Adducing the results of the analysis the author of the article comes to the conclusion that the studied linguistic works present one of the branches of modern historical linguistics.


Persian-Tajik language, historical periodization, historic linguistics, history of the Persian-Tajik language, historical and descriptive method, comparison of languages


1.    Abulqosimi, Muhsin. Guiding in Regard to Ancient Languages in Iran. – Tehran, 1375hijra. – 270 pp.

2.    Abulqosimi, Muhsin. History of the Persian Language. - Tehran: Asotir publishing-house, 1380hijra. – 350 pp.

3.    Abulqosimi, Muhsin. History of the Persian Language //Oshno. - # 11. 1372hijra. – pp. 22 – 30.

4.    Arroni, Taki. Evolution and Alteration of the Persian Language. - Tehran: Asotir publishing-house, 1330hijra. – 370 pp.

5.    Bahor, Muhammadtaqi. Dari Language // Eighteen Articles. - Khujand: Light of Enlightenment, 2008. – pp. 8 – 13.

6.    Bahor, Muhammadtaqi. Stylistics. – V.1. - Tehran: Great Amir, 1391hijra. – 467 pp.

7.    Boghbedi, Hasan Rizoi. History of Iranian Languages. - Tehran: Centre of Great Islamic Encyclopedia, 1388hijra. – 239 pp.

8.    Boqiri, Mehri. History of the Persian Language. - Tehran: Drop, 1373hijra. – 207 pp.

9.    Dabirmaqdam, Muhammad. Classification of Iranian Languages. - Tehran: Islamic Sciences Publishing-house, 1392hijra. – 668 pp.

10.         Ittihod, Hushang. Modern Researchers of Iran. - Tehran: Modern Culture, 1378hijra. – 518 pp.

11.              Kristopher Bruner. Grammar of Middle Western Iranian Language / Translated by Said Uryon. - Tehran: Firdaws, 1376hijra. – 286 pp.

12.              Lazar, Zhilber. Formation of the Persian Language / Translated by Mahastii Bahrayani. - Tehran: Institute of Islamic Sciences and Cultural Conversations, 1384hijra. – 245 pp.

13.              Nafisi, Said. History of Prose and Verse in Iran and in Persian Language. – V.1. - Tehran: Furughi publishing-house, 1363hijra. – 1172 pp.

14.         Rast Nikola. Rise of Persian Pronouns. - Tehran: Mashhad University publishing-house, 1333hijra. – 162 pp.

15.         Khonlari, Parviz Notili. History of the Persian Language. – V.V. 1-3. - Tehran: Firdaws, 1377hijra.

16.              Safo, Zabehulloh. The History of Literature in Iran (Referring to Persian Language State. From the Beginning of the X-th up to the Middle of the XII-th Hijra Centuries). – V.5. – P.2. - Tehran: Great Amir, 1373hijra. – 636 – 1420 pp.

17.              Shamiso, Surus. Collection on Stylistics. - Tehran: Idea, 1374hijra.

18.              Shamiso, Surus. Poetic Stylistics. - Tehran: Firdaws publishing-house, 1374hijra. – 430 pp.

19.         Shei, Aliakbar. Some Views Concerned with Dialectics. - Tehran: Mozyor publishing-house, 1386hijra. – 176 pp.

20. Harn Pol. Grounds of Persian Word Formation / Translated by Jalol Kholiqii Mutlaq. – Tehran, 1356hijra. – 190 pp.

Publication date

Thursday, 06 April 2017