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About the Ancientest Persian Translation of the Book «Rabi Al-Abror» by Zamakhshari


Hamroboev Nasimjon Abdullojonovich


The article dwells on the peculiarities and literary-historic values of one of the ancient translations of «Rabi al-Abror» by Zamakhshari. This work was translated by Sufi Smarkandi in an abridged form and published under the title of «Nasim ar-Rabe». The author collected four out of five extant manuscripts of «Nasim ar-Rabe`» and his own research he conducted on the basis of the ancientest manuscript belonging to the pen of the translator himself. The appurtenance of the manuscript to the author of the translation is proved by means of correlation and study of the type face of the two originals belonging to the period in question; hints and notes of the translator found in the text being taken into account as well. The linguistic and literary peculiarities of Sufi Smarkandi`s «Nasim ar-Rabe`» point, on the one hand, to the historic-philological importance of Zamakhshari`s «Rabe`-ul-Abror», and, on the other hand, they open a wide availability for studying diverse aspects of both Zamakhshari`s and Sufi Samarkandi`s creations. The author comes to the conclusion that «Nasim ar-Rabe» is one of the best translations and paragons of the simple prose of the XIV-th century, and parables, short stories, poems, fables, sayings, ayats and hadiths adduced in them are proofs of literary value of the given translation. 


«Rabi al-Abror», Zamakhshari, translation from Persian into Arabic, Persian language Sufi Samarkandi, «Nasim ar-Rabi», word-for-word translation


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3.     . Sufii Samarqandi. Nasim-ar-rabe`. The Copy of the Library of Sulaymoniya in Turkey, - # 902, the copy is written by the author. – 279 pp.

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Publication date

Thursday, 06 April 2017