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The first PreservedАйнї С. Ахгари инќилоб. -Душанбе: Ирфон, 1974.- С.108. Interpretation Dictionary with Examples


Ziyaev Khurshedjohn Makhshulovich


In his article the author underscores that the edition of «Lughati Furs» («Persian-Tajik Interpretation Dictionary») in Cyrillic type is considered as a significant cultural event. The author lays an emphasis upon the assertion that Asad-i Tusi`s production is the third dictionary in the history of the Tajik-Persian lexicography; hereby, it is the first extant lexicographical work with versified illustrative citations which preserved up to nowadays, designing on the premise of the result of the conducted research one can assert that this dictionary is looked upon as a treasury of primordial Tajik vocabulary. The author underscores the fact that the functioning of a number of words fixed in Tusi`s dictionary has preserved in modern Southern vernaculars of the Tajik language. Proceeding from the data out of Asad-i Tusi`s work the author of the article makes an endeavour to establish the etymology of some words found in Southern vernaculars of the Tajik language. 


history of Tajik-Persian lexicography, Lughati Furs (Furs` Dictionary), Asad-i Tusi, the XI-th century, the first interpretation dictionary, versified illustrative citations, vocabulary stock of language


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Publication date

Thursday, 06 April 2017