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Philosophical Aspects of National Consciousness and Mentality in Contemporary Society of Tajikistan


Solijonov Rasuljon,Urunova Hamida Umarboevna


The article dwells on the researched philosophical aspects of national mentality under the conditions of the sovereign state surviving the process of evolution. National consciousness is looked upon as the most important factor of building and strengthening national statehood in the transforming Tajik society. The authors express the opinion that many peoples vanished because of the absence of tolerant attitude to other nations. Therefore, under the conditions of the evolution of the sovereign state the problem of strengthening national consciousness is actual because it deals with retainment of nationality. Weakening of historical memory, limitation of national consciousness and disability of defending the nation`s social-cultural legacy slacken statehood and sovereignty. Just due to all this the ability to analyze and cognize national mentality, to realize the national identity of its own are the most important factor of stable development of the independent state.


self-cognition, national consciousness, national mentality, national thinking, national idea, limitation of historical consciousness, social-cultural heritage 


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Publication date

Thursday, 06 April 2017