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Description of Historical Events in Ato Handam`s and Leonid Chigrin`s Novel «Temurlan`s Error»


Ulmasova Zamirakhon Habibulloyevna


Temur`s personality as a ruler of Samarqand and a creator of the great Empire, including Central Asia, the Far Caucasus and China is reflected in the following novels: The «Great Temur» by E. Berezikov, «Temurlan. Ruler and Leader» by the writer-cholar in Oriental Studies Garold Lemb and «Temurlan», «Shaker of the Universe» and also in the novel «Temurlan`s Error» by A. Kamdam and L. Chigrin as well. Garold Lemb reflects Temur as a mighty leader and at the same time as a cruel butcher making pyramids of the heads of innocent people. However, E. Berezikov praises the ruthless tyrant Temur within the framework of his novel. In his article the author determines the correlation between history and creative fantasy in the novel «Temurlan`s Error» done by A. Hamdam and L. Chigrin. Generalship action of the protagonist, his numerous battles, lots of cruel annihilations of people, captures of other states transformed consequently into the vast Empire are brightly depicted. Adducing the result of the research the author convincingly proves that, although a number of writers create a positive Temur`s image, this conqueror remained as a ruthless tyrant in the history of the Universe.


modern belles-lettres, Tajik modern prose, historical novels, Temur`s personality, correlation between history and fantasy


1.    Bartold, V.V. The Work on Separate Problems Related to the History of Middle Asia / V.V. Bartold. Compositions: in seven volumes. – V.1. – M.: Oriental Literature, 1963. – 658 pp.

2.    Berezikov, Ye. The Great Temur: Novel-Chronicle // E. Berezikov. - Tashkent: Teacher, 1994. – 335 pp.

3.    Gafurov, Tajiks: consisting of two books / B. Gafurov. - Dushanbe: Cognition, 1998. – B.1. – 704 pp.; - B.2. – 416 pp.

4.    Kamoli Khujandi. Divan (Collection of Compositions). In two volumes. – V.2. - Dushanbe: Cognition, 1985.

5.    Nahvi. A. Some Unstated Points Concerned with «Barzu-Name» // A. Nahvi. Scientific Notes: Quarterly of the Institute of Iran Studies 2016, - #.# 11 – 12.

6.    Sidqi, A. Selected Works: The Path of Fade // A. Sidqi. - Khujand: Noshir (Publisher), 2009. – 498 pp.

7.    Hamdam, A., Chigrin, L. Temurlan`s Error // A. Hamdam., L. Chigrin. - Dushanbe: Cognition, 2012. – 578 pp.

8.    Hotamov, N. Temurlan and his Time // N. Hotamov. / Hamdam A., Chigrin L. Temurlan`s Error. - Dushanbe: Cognition, 2012. – pp. 5 – 29.

9. https // ru.m Wikipedia.orq Great Amir of Temurids`s Empire. date of request: 2.12.2016

Publication date

Tuesday, 17 January 2017