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About some Synonymical Nouns in the Poetries of Farzona and Marina Tsvetayeva


Mamajanova Kh.K.


Synonyms and synonymical relations in the creations of the great Russian poetess Marina Tsvetayeva and the well-known Tajik poetess Farzona are ones of scantily studied aspects of modern linguistics. Proceeding from a scrupulous analysis of poetical fragments from Tsvetayeva`s and Farzona`s works containing synonyms the author elicits both proximity and distinction in their poetical styles in so far as synonyms are concerned. In particular, that fact is worth attention that both poetesses use not only usual synonyms, but synonymical pairs either. The proximity of their works lies not only in morphological and grammatical aspects, but in semantic plane either, it refers to the cases when synonymical words coincide in their meanings. The usage of synonyms by the poetesses elevates an expressiveness of their creations, affords to avoid dullness of language; these two women-of-letters are singled out as bright stars in the firmament of contemporary poetry.


synonymical relations, poetical text, words coinciding with denotate, synonimical row, word with multiple meanings, linguistic levels, proximity and distinction, synonymical pairs of nouns, suppletivity



1.      Apresyan Yu. D. Lexical Synonyms. Definition of Lexical Synonyms. – M., 1985. – p. 230.

2.      Aronova L.I. Analysis of Tsvetayeva`s Poem «Distance: Versts, Miles…». Language and Composition. // Language and Composition of Belles-Lettres Text. – M., 1980. – pp. 124 – 128.

3.      Vinokur T.G. The Russian Language. – M., 1997. – 465 pp.

4.      Daminova M.Z. Correlative Analysis of Russian and Tajik Synonymical Pairs. Candidate dissertation in philology. – Dushanbe, 2015. – 150 pp.

5.      Kurganov Z.D. The Place of Lexical Synonyms in Farzona`s Poetry. - Custodian of Ancestors` Treasures. In the book: Collection of Articles in Honor of Professor Sadullo Asadulloyev`s 75-th Anniversary. – Khujand, 2007. – pp. 377 – 384.

6.      Kurganov Z. D. Farzona`s Innovation in the Usage of Synonyms. – Light of Enlightenment. In the book: Collection of Articles in Honor of Dr. of Philosophy, Professor A.A. Khasanov`s 50-th Anniverary and Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor A.Z. Zokhidov`s 70-th Anniverasry. – Khujand, 2008. – pp. 158 – 165.

7.      Kurganov Z.D. Peculiarities of the Usage of Synonymical Pairs in Farzona`s Poetry // Scientific Notes of KSU named after acad. Gafurov. Series: Social Sciences. – Khujand, 2009, # 1. – pp. 61 – 75.

8.      Linguistic Encyclopaedic Dictionary. 1990. – pp. 446 – 447.

9.      Marina Tsvetayeva. Selected works. Poet`s Library. Big series. M., 1965. – 799 pp.

10.  Marina Tsvetayeva. Big Poems and Verses. M., «Pravda», 1991. – 685 pp.

11.  Ozhegov S.I. and Shvedova N.Yu. Interpretation Dictionary of the Russian Language. «Elpis», 2005. – 940 pp.

12.  Farzona. A Drop from the Muliyon. Part 1. – Khujand, 2003. – 510 pp.

13.  Farzona. A Drop from the Muliyon. Part 2. – 472 pp.

14.  Farzona. A Drop from the Muliyon. Part 3. – 378 pp.

15.  Farzona. Trefoil. – Khujand. 2010. – 488 с.

16.  Interpretation Dictionary of the Tajik Language. – Dushanbe, 2010.- 950 с.


17. http://www. tsvetayeva.com/poems/v_15_let (date of request: 21.12.2015)


18. http://www. farhang.tj/ (date of request: 21.12.2015).


Publication date

Thursday, 21 January 2016