The article dwells on the ideas of enlightenment in the conception of the creation belonging to Ubayd Rajab, the Tajik poet. It is stressed that tuition of children begins with the “Primer”. In reference to it the author adduces the poet`s verse about this book under the title “Man Alifbo mekhonam”(Reаd the “Primer”); this poem being of the most favourite productions for the children of Tajikistan over forty years.
It is affirmed that all children are highly able of thinking by their nature; both parents and teachers should refer children to the proper channel of tuition and education following national and common human traditions. It is the conception developed in the poetical creation of Ubayd Rajab who writes for children.
Ubayd Rajab`s literary productions, cognition, education, upbringing, “Primer”, growing generation, educational institutions
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