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Reflection of the Teacher`s Image in the Pedagogical Herritage of Persian-Tajik Thinkers


Gulmadov Faiz


The article dwells on the ideas of  Persian-Tajik thinkers concerned  with  the essence of teacher`s profession and teacher`s  authority in the cause of pupils` education. The author of the article adduces the opinions of the Persian-Tajik thinkers running to the effect that not all men at a running could be placed in jobs in an educational establishment (medrese); a number of strict requiriments being enumerated. At the same time those teachers were admitted to schools who in comparison with others  possessed more knowledge and enjoyed authority with population. The  thinkers asserted  that if a teacher is`t strict enough in demanding discipliue in studies from pupils he loses his authority  among children.


teacher`s profession, requirements to teacher`s profession, reverence towards teachers on the part  of pupils, pedagogival mastership


1.       Avitsenna. Family Upbringing. Selected works. V.2. –Dushanbe: Irfon, 1980. –pp.13-28.

2.       Zakariyou Razi Abubakr Makhammad. Selected Works. – Dushanbe: Adib, 1989. – 157pp.

3.       National Conception of Upbringing in Tajikistan Republic. – Dushanbe, 2006. – 18pp.

4.       National Conception of Education in Tajikistan. –Dushanbe: Matbuot, 2003. – 23pp.

5.       Sukhomlinsky V.A. Selected Pedagogical Works in three Volumes. V.2. –M.: Pedagogy, 1980. -348pp.

6.       Kaykovus, Unsurulmaoli. Kobusnoma. Compiler. M.Muloahmadov. –Dushanbe: Maorif, 1979. – 192pp.

7.       The Law of Tajikistan Republic “On  Education”. –Dushanbe, 2013. -119pp.

8.       Sukhomlinsky V.A. Selected Pedagogical Works in three Volumes. –M.: Pedagogy, 1979. -560pp.

9.       Zakariyo Razi Abubakr Mukhammad. Selected Works. –Dushanbe: Adib, 1989. -157pp.

10.   Farabi, Abunasr, Social-Political Treatises. –Alma-Ata, 1973. – 430pp.

11.   Khusayn Voizi Koshifi. Futuvvatnomai Sultoni. –Dushanbe:Adib, 1991. -320pp.

Publication date

Friday, 07 August 2015