This article is devoted to the process of integration of Tajikistan into the world economy. Foreign capital is mainly invested in the spheres of electric power production, agriculture,road-building, processing and mining of gold for the export oriented spheres. It was mentioned that under the conditions of hard competition the participation of Tajikistan in the regional economic organizations (WTO, Customs` Union, Euro-Asian Economic Community) can favourably assist its integration into the world economy. The republic of Tajikistan mostly concentrates on cooperation in the frames of CIS. It is one of the active participants of Central Asian Collaboration and Euro-Asian Economic Community that promotes ensuring of effective production process in the country and stable standard living of the population.
integration of Tajikistan, World Trade organization, customs` Union, Eurasian Economic Community, (EurASEС), CIS
1. Gatsalov M.M. Modern Reference Economy Dictionary. –Ukhta: USTU, 2002. –P.102.
2. Koshonova M. Integrational Processes of Central Asia in the Context of Economy Growth in Tajikistan // Bodju Khiroj ( Tribute and Tax) 7.03.2011. №10 (745) pp.8-9.
3. Statistics Bulletin of Tajikistan National Bank, №1 (198) -2012.