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On the Way of Conveyance of Russian Verbal Prefix c-/со - in to Tajik


Azizova Mаvdjuda Esanovna


The article  dwells on the ways of conveyance of the local and  general resultative meanings of Russian verbs with the prefix c-//co- into Tajik. The author pays special  attention to those cases when Russian prefixal verbs  have  no correspondences in the  Tajik language; the following cases being elicited hereby: substitution of Russian prefixal verbs for Tajik verbs without a prefix; substitution of Russian prefixal verbs for Tajik complex nominal verbs, substitution of  Russian prefixal verbs for Tajik complex participial  verbs. The author analyzed variegated  material  and  gave an exhaustive classification of the material in question. She comes to the conclusion that in order to express the local  meaning of the  Russian verbs with the prefix c-//co- in Tajik they use more oftem  complex verbal consructions.


prefixal verbs, local meanings,  complex nominal verb,  complex participial verbs,  constructions


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Publication date

Friday, 14 August 2015