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Ibragimova R.A., Mavlonov Sh.O.


This article deals with the nominative and elliptic sentences in English and Tajik languages.The sentence is the basic unit of syntax and has certain expression factors. According to linguists, a sentence is a combination of two or more words (sometimes one word), lexically corresponding to each other, which is expressed by grammatical and lexical means, and the sentence has a certain intonation, expresses predicativeness and is used for communicative purposes.Thus, nominative sentences differ from elliptical sentences in that nominative sentences include clauses with a verb and represent a subject or thing, whereas elliptical sentences consist only of a part of a sentence without a verb and are expressed based on context.


one-member sentences, nominative sentences, elliptical sentences, parts of the sentence, subject, predicate, word order, omitted components


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Publication date

Wednesday, 17 January 2024