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Kodirova F.R.


The article studies the position of Russian-international words in the work of the Tajik writer Bakhmanyor, in particular in the writer’s aphorisms and in the novel “Shakhinshah” (“Great Tsar”). As a result of semantic classification and study of the collected material, it was determined that most of these words have been mastered by the vocabulary of the Tajik language and are widely used. The features of the writer’s timely and accurate use of borrowed words are shown, which are found in two forms: 1) in the original version; 2) transformed on the basis of the principles of word formation of the Tajik language, which indicates the constant development and connection of languages and, at the same time, the correspondence of the language of Bakhmanyor’s works to widespread vernacular, in order to satisfy public demand and attract the attention of readers. Also, a small part of such borrowings, thanks to equivalents, lost their former position in the literary language.


Tajik language, vocabulary, Russian-International words, writer Bakhmanyor, language connection, “Shohanshoh” (“Shakhinshakh” – Great Tsar), borrowings


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Publication date

Wednesday, 17 January 2024