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Tukhtaeva M. M.


The situation in the modern world during the COVID-19 pandemic and in the post-Covid period has shown that most types of work can be done online while at home. In this situation, work efficiency does not decrease, and transportation costs to work and home are reduced. This fact makes it possible to provide work to unemployed people, leading to an increase in their well-being and an improvement in their standard of living. One of the activities of a modern person that does not require presence at the workplace is the work of an SMM manager, because you can do all the work only through Internet access, regardless of your own location and time. An SMM manager can work from anywhere in the country and the world, that is, you are free and can choose your own place of work.


COVID-19 pandemic, the post-Covid period, online, efficiency of labour activity, providing unemployment with the job, SMM-manager, Internet access


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Publication date

Friday, 17 November 2023