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Giyosov N.I.


The article dwells on the problem of the formation and development of bilingual Arabic-Tajik (Persian) dictionaries, proves that this process as a scientific phenomenon was formed under the influence of the traditions of Arabic lexicography, and examines the stages of the formation of Arabic lexicography. It is noted that during the development of bilingual lexicography, two types of Arabic-Tajik translation dictionaries appeared: 1. Dictionaries with the lexical-semantic principle of grouping words. 2. Dictionaries with an analytical-morphological principle of grouping words. The reasons and factors for the emergence of such dictionaries and their lexicographical features are revealed using the example of the dictionaries “Divan al-adab” by Farabi, “As-Sami fi-l-asami” by Abu-l-Fadl Maidani, “Kitab al-masadir” by Zauzani, “Taj al -masadir" by Baykhaki, "Muqaddimat al-adab" by Zamakhshari, "Qanun al-adab" by Tiflisi, etc. The thesis is substantiated that the emergence and development of bilingual dictionaries in Tajik lexicography was greatly influenced by Arabic explanatory dictionaries, especially “Divan al-Adab” by Farabi. It is concluded that without studying the history of Arabic lexicography, especially the first two centuries of its formation, it is impossible to solve many issues of the formation of Tajik bilingual dictionaries in Tajik-Persian lexicography.


lexicography, Arabic-Persian (Tajik) bilingual dictionary, “Divan al-adab” by Farabi, formation principles of dictionaries, formation of Arabic-Tajik  bilingual dictionaries  


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Publication date

Wednesday, 17 January 2024