Annotation. The relevance of the issues discussed in the article is due to the Peasant Reform of 1861, which played a huge role in the socio-economic development of Russia. The liberation of millions of peasant families from serfdom and the allocation of land gave impetus to the development of productive forces, the efficient use of means of production and labor resources in the village. In the North Caucasus, the time of implementation of reforms coincided with the cessation of the long-term anti-colonial struggle of the mountaineers under the leadership of Shamil. With the formation of the so-called military-people's government, reforms were carried out in the Caucasus, but here they were even more inconsistent, because in its colonial policy tsarism relied on local feudal lords. The Cossacks, as a privileged class under tsarism, also served as a support for its colonial policy.
royal Russia, Peasant Reform of 1861, the socio-economic development, the North Caucasus, Terek Cossacks, the military-people's government
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