In the article, based on the collected etymological notes from seven historical chronicles, an attempt is made to find out to what extent the etymological research of the authors of medieval chronicles corresponds to scientific truth. It is noted that in the historical chronicles X-XIII there are the first signs of etymological analysis, which contribute to solving the problem of the origin of the lexical elements of the Tajik language. It was revealed that 47 etymological notes are given in the “History of Tabari”, 28 in “Mudjmal-ut-tavorikh”, 25 in “Zain-ul-akhbor”, 10 in “Tarikhi Bukhoro”, and “Gurar-us-siyar” " - 10, in "Tarikhi Siston" - 5, in "Tarikhi Baykhaki" - 2. Etymological research by the authors of historical chronicles helps in determining the meaning of toponyms, mythological names, names and nicknames of historical figures. It is emphasized that the authors of historical chronicles make efforts to clarify the etymology of not only native Tajik words, but also vocabulary borrowed from the Arabic language. It is concluded that Tajik and translated historical chronicles of the X-XIII centuries. are considered one of the most important sources for studying the etymology of lexical elements.
historical chronicles ofthe X-XIII centuries, Tajik language, Arabic, Russian, etymology, lexical elements, etymological notes, toponyms, nicknames
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