The article presents an analysis of semantic and functional peculiarities of the use of the verb “shunidan” (шунидан) in the creation of one of the outstanding representatives of Indian style Soib Tabrizi. The author of the article conducts a comparative analysis of the language of Soib's creation with the works of preceding and subsequent men-of-letters with the aim of specification pursing the target of determining which meanings of the verb considered pertain to the poetic thinking of Soib, but which ones don`t. Proceeding from the comparative analysis, the author of the article comes to the conclusion that in the literary productions belonging to Soib`s ancestors the verb “shunidan” is used in five meanings some of which were given to oblivion in the course of time; due to this fact namely the use of non-forgotten meanings of the verb in question is considered as erroneous by today`s men-of-letters. Designing on the premise of the factological material and data of dictionaries, the author proves that in mediaeval monuments the verb “shunidan” besides having the spread meaning with the seme “perception of sound by the organs of hearing” was used additionally with such suggestiveness as “to have a fine olfactory perception”, “to obey”, “to attack” and etc.
Key-words: Soib Tabrizi`s creation, Indian style, the verb “shunidan”, sense, dictionaries, mediaeval men-of-letters, contemporary dialects
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