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Homidova Munira Numonovna Usmonova Ruhshona Rahmatovna


Analytical forms of verbs in the system of mood of English and Tajik languages are considered in the article. It is noted that there is still no consensus between foreign and native researchers regarding the classification of the mood.In addition, the article analyzes six moods of English - indicative mood,imperative mood, subjunctive 1, subjunctive 2, conditional mood, and suppositional mood and five moods of Tajik - indicative mood, imperative mood, conditional mood, suppositional mood and auditive mood. Particular attention is paid to the study of subjunctive 1, subjunctive 2, conditional mood and suppositional mood of English and the conditional mood, the suppositional mood, auditive mood of Tajik, which often are expressed by analytical construction. Each of these moods has a different structure and meaning that play an important role in the sentence.


Key-words: mood, indicative mood,imperative mood, subjunctive 1, subjunctive 2, conditional mood, suppositional mood


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Publication date

Friday, 31 March 2023