In the article the author examines the main methods of translation of the stylistic device of metaphor in the translation of the novel "Martin Eden" by J. London. It has been established that the translation of metaphor is one of the most controversial issues, and exact classification of methods of translating metaphorical words have not yet been determined. The article analyzes the stylistic device of metaphor in the translation of the novel "Martin Eden" by J. London and reveals two methods of translation: the method of substituting words for one another at the lexical level, the method of extension. It has been established that the translation of a metaphor by means of the methods of substituting words at the lexical level in some cases acquires a new meaning in the translated text. Metaphorical translation, due toextension of componentsgives an additional emotional and expressive shade. In some cases the translator combines the techniques of omitting and extending a component composition of a metaphorical expression.
Key-words: J. London, the novel "Martin Eden"metaphor,occasional (author’s) metaphor, ways of translation of metaphor,extension, substitution
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