The article dwells on the history of creating hospitals and special medical educational establishments in Maverannahr and Khorasan in Middle Ages. Such issues are highlighted as launching of hospitals, methods of conducting competitions among a future medical staff and also the reasons associated with the enterprises in question. The author analyzes the sense of the notion “hospital”, the reasons accounting for the creation of Jundishapur-city with its medical schools and hospitals and also for the assignment of their chiefs. He discloses the role of the graduates of medical institutions in medicine development through the period of Arabian khalifate, presents the types of hospital which existed at that time, both permanent and mobile ones; diseases beset with navigation being described as well. Into the bargain, there are canvassed the problems of mediaeval hospitals named after Rashid, Barmaki, the hospitals of Maverannahr and Khorasan in the period of the Somonids, Nizomiya hospitals with their peculiarities of functioning, medicinal properties of bath-houses. Information about Maecenases of the medical institutions enumerated is given.
Key-words: science of medicine, hospital, permanent hospital, mobile hospital, Jundishapur hospital
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