In modern literary studies the relationship between different texts created in the same time frame or in a remote time distance is denoted by the term «intertextuality». This theory traced back to the linguistic views of Mikhail Bakhtin, was improved in the theoretical works of Gerard Genette and has turned into a tradition in modern world literary criticism. The first assumption of the theory of intertextuality is reduced to the fact that a thorough study and comprehensive perception of a text is not possible without taking into account the previous texts or those ones of the author`s time. Second, not a single work of art can be isolated from the ones that preceded it. There is a definite connection between them. Third, as a result of a intertextual research, it is possible to establish in a concrete way the previous texts of a separate work. The fourth, it is possible to carry out intertextual research both between works that are similar in theme, structure and composition, and between completely different works. Fifth, in order to conduct a study on the basis of this theory it is important that the researcher were preliminarily aware of the topic of the work, the range of its distribution in the vastness of the previous and modern literature and the worldview of the author of the work in question.This article considers the foundations of the theory of intertextuality with an emphasis on the theory of Gerard Genette and the views of other theoreticians. The theory of intertextuality has essentially improved literary criticism under the angle of analyzing ideological and thematic aspects.
Key- words: theory, intertextuality, Gerard Genette, paratextuality, metatextuality, architextuality, hypotextuality
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