The types of plural numbers of the Arabic language in Nosir Khusrav`s “Safar-Name” are subjected to analysis. The research showed that the Tajik language borrowed irregular plural numbers and whole plural numbers of feminine gender nouns making up the bulk of these linguistic phenomena. In particular, “Safar-Name” is permeated with frequently used irregular plural number. It is also underscored that some Arabic words in plural are multiplied twice when being borrowed by the Tajik language, not rarely they designate singular number. It is mentioned that some Tajik words in “Safar-Name” multiplied under the influence of the rules of plural number formation in Arabic. It testifies to the fact that the Tajik language borrowed not only lexical elements of Arabic, but grammatical ones either.
Arabic borrowings in the Tajik language, “Safar-Name” by Nosir Khusrav, category of number possessed by nouns, plural number of the Arabic language, suffix, irregular (broken) plural number, whole plural number
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