The article dwells on the development of futuvvat-name genre in the epoch of Kamol Khujandi. It is underscored that the period of futuvvat-name genre formation falls on the X-th century, and at the beginning of the XIV-th century composition of futuvvat-name enjoys stormy evolution. In the process of studies we gathered the impression that the latters would render considerable assistance to us in perception and exploration of the men`s-of-letters heritage formed in the XIV-th century, Kamol Khujandi`s poetry, in private. Contents and thematics of futuvvat-name clearly point to the fact that the important part of Persian-Tajik moral prose preserved namely in this genre variety of literature. It is supposed that there is still a necessity in edition of an authentic critical text of futuvvat-name. Proceeding from the earlier non-used texts of futuvvat-name, one can undertake certain steps in the plane of publishing critical texts of the genre in question as the formers made an essential contribution into the development of edifying prose of the XIV-th century.
history of the XIV-th century literature, Kamol Khujandi, futuvvat-name, edifying prose, codicology, source, prosaic works
1. Afshori, Mehron. Futuvvatnoma and Treatises Dwelling on Modesty. The Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies. 1382hijra.-380 pp.
2. Vose, Kurbon, Vose, Rukhshona. Origins of Literature Dealing with Javonmardi (Nobility) (the first book). -Dushanbe: Knowledge, 2008. –564 pp.
3. Dehkhudo, Aliakbar. Dictionary. - V.11. - Tehran: Firdawsi, 1335 hijra. –1657 pp.
4. Koshoni, Abdurazzok. Tuhfatu-l-ikhvon fi hasoisi-l-fityon / Preface, Recension and Commentaries by Muhammada Domodi. –Tehran: Edition of Iran Cultural Fund, 1351 hijra. –134 pp.
5. Collection of Compositions and Literary Productions by Koshoni // Under the editorship of Majid Hodizoda. - Tehran: Merosi Makub, Written Heritage, 1380 hijra. –766 pp.
6. Munzavi, Ahmad. Catalogue of Persian Books. - V.6. - Tehran: Center of Big Islamic Encyclopedia, 1382 hijra.
7. Nafisi, Said. The History of Poetry and Prose in Iran Written in Persian Language. –Tehran: Mehan, 1344 hijra. - V.1. –664 pp.; - V.2. –534 pp.
8. Riyoz, Muhamad. Life and Creation of Mir Sayid Ali Hamadoni. - Pakistan: The Center of Persian Studies of Iran and Pakistan, 1370 hijra. - 564 pp.
9. Sarrof, Murtazo. Treatises Dwelling on Nobility (collection of seven futuvvatnomas). - Tehran: French Institute of Scientific Researches in Iran, 1973. -327 pp.